Report on resolution 3: Sexual and gender-based violence: Joint action on prevention and response – Norway

Report on resolution 3:

– Date: 06.12.2019

– Country: Norway

– Type of entity:  State 

– Does your government carry out or support activities that help to implement the 2015 Resolution on sexual and gender-based violence?

– To date, which areas of the resolution has your government been implementing?
Norway has consistently raised awareness on sexual and gender-based awareness and kept SGBV high on the agenda in our dialogue with other states and our humanitarian partners. Norway has developed a strong partnership with ICRC and Norcross on the prevention and response to sexual and gender based violence.

– Briefly describe the specific activities that your government has so far undertaken to implement Resolution 3.

In Norway’s humanitarian strategy 2019-2023 prevention and response to SGBV is a key priority. Norway hosted the first thematic international donor conference “Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Crisis” together with the Governments of Iraq, Somalia and United Arab Emirates, alongside ICRC, OCHA and UNFPA in May 2019. Norway has pledged USD 115 million over a three-year period 2019-2022. Norway has significantly increased funding to ICRC’s response to sexual violence. NOK 15 mill 2016 to NOK 59 million in 2019. Norway supports national societies through Norcross and IFRC.