Resolution 6: Strengthening legal frameworks for disaster response, risk reduction and first aid
Report on resolution 6:
– Date: 07.08.2019
– Country: Belgium
– Type of entity: State
– Has your government drafted, revised or adopted any laws, policies or procedures at the national or subnational level for the management of international disaster assistance? Please select the appropriate box below Law/policy/procedure adopted
– If yes, what type of law/policy/procedure was adopted?
In accordance with the pledge SP320102 adopted by Belgium (“Renforcement des cadres juridiques applicables aux interventions en cas de catastrophes, à la réduction des risques et aux premiers secours”), a working group has been set up. A training module has been established and the training has been provided in 2016. The module is now integrated in the multidisciplinary training courses for the officers in charge of operational command post.
– Law/policy/procedure drafted
– If yes, what type of law/policy/procedure was drafted?
In accordance with the pledge SP320102 adopted by Belgium (“Renforcement des cadres juridiques applicables aux interventions en cas de catastrophes, à la réduction des risques et aux premiers secours”), an operational handbook is currently being finalized.
The procedures for the reception of international rescue teams on the Belgian territory in case of a disaster in Belgium are tested once a year via international exercises in which participate the Belgian authorities at national and local level.
– Has your government used the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction to review or develop domestic legal frameworks at the national, provincial and / or local levels? Please select the appropriate box below
In order to respond to its international commitments from the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030, Belgium has begun to set up, since 2016, a national multi-sectoral platform under the leading of the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs. The forward aim of such platform is to ensure the coordination of the actions of the public and private sectors and to elaborate a national strategy of disaster risk reduction in order to enhance the resilience.
Currently, the platform is composed by federal – including Home Affairs- and federated entities involved by the question of disaster risk reduction, according to theirs competences. The first step is to learn the competences of the participants. Afterwards an action plan will be elaborated for the continuation of the works.
– What activities have your public authorities undertaken in collaboration with your National Society towards achieving the goals related to DRR, community resilience and climate change adaptation as set out in the Sendai Framework for DRR, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and outcomes of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (‘Paris Agreement’)? Please select the appropriate box:
• Mainstream DRR across contexts and sectors
• Engagement and contribution in National/local DRR platforms
• Public awareness and public education
• Assessment of risk and vulnerability
• Disaster response and preparedness (contingency plans, standard operating procedures, pre-disaster meetings, disaster preparedness stocks)
• Promote the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan
• Community early warning systems
Please explain your activities below: All the activities mentioned above were not undertaken in collaboration with the National Society.
As mentioned, Belgium has begun to set up, since 2016, a national multi-sectoral DRR platform but the platform is currently only composed by federal and federated entities and not yet by private sector and ONG. The first step was to learn the competences of the participants in DRR.
Participation of Belgium in several workshops organized at the EU level and related to DRR.
In 2018, participation of Belgium in 2 table top exercises organized via the Benelux and whose aim is to test the cross border cooperation between the 3 Benelux countries in terms of adaptation to climate change, risk reduction, public health and transport.
Belgium has conducted a national risk analysis in 2018. The purpose was to define priorities and to evaluate any risks to which Belgium could be exposed. In partnership with experts, impacts as well as probabilities were evaluated for the considered scenarios.
Belgium is also taking in account likely effects of the climate change in its analysis for the future.
Belgium has several contingency plans and standard operating procedures. The Belgian Red Cross participates in the exercises to test those procedures.
In April 2017, adoption of the Belgian National Adaptation plan (2017-2020) by the National Climate Commission. The national Adaptation Plan identifies specific adaptation measures that need to be taken at national level in order to strengthen cooperation and develop synergies between the different entities on adaptation. The Plan addresses different sectors including crisis management (crisis management is also addressed in the federal and Flemish adaptation plan).
Belgium has developed an early warning system called BE-Alert: channels for notification of the population in the event of a crisis. In this context, first aid free training is organized, in collaboration with the Belgian Red Cross for the people who are registered in BE-Alert.
BE-READY is an educational project developed in collaboration with the Belgian Red Cross, whose aim is to awareness young people to the different kinds of emergencies and to teach them the good reflexes to be adopt in case of floods, industrial incidents, heat wave, …
On June 28th 2018, the Belgian Council of Ministers decided to create an International Crisis Management Cell within the already existing National Crisis Centre. The mission of the International Crisis Management Cell is to coordinate national preparedness-related activities in order to increase our overall national resilience, to effectively and efficiently participate in the management of international crisis, and by doing so fully honor the national engagements taken in a multilateral framework as part of an integrated approach of national security. The International Crisis Management Cell operates as a multidisciplinary hub coordinating and synchronizing a national multi-agency approach in reaction to a wide spectrum of national and international risks and threats, amongst which hybrid threats. This Cell will function as a bi-directional interface between national decision making bodies and international organizations.
– What activities have your public authorities undertaken to strengthen existing legal frameworks related to first aid? This may include promoting the need for regularly updated first aid education in line with existing guidance such as the International Federation’s International First Aid and Resuscitation Guidelines; ensuring equal participation of women, girls, men and boys in first aid training and; mandatory training for school children and teachers and driver’s licence applicants Please explain:
La Croix-Rouge de Belgique a mené des discussions avec le cabinet de la Secrétaire d’Etat chargée de la Sécurité routière en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale qui s’est engagé à rendre obligatoire la formation aux premiers secours dans le cadre du permis de conduire à partir de 2018. Depuis le 1er novembre 2018, tous les candidats au permis de conduire à Bruxelles doivent désormais suivre une formation aux premiers secours. Il y a deux parties : un e-learning ( et une formation pratique de 3h à suivre dans un centre de la Croix-Rouge. Cette formation aux premiers secours intervient après la partie théorique du permis de conduire et avant la partie pratique.
Des concertations se sont aussi poursuivies entre la Croix-Rouge de Belgique – Communauté francophone et les autorités de la Région wallonne afin de rendre obligatoire la formation aux premiers secours dans le cadre de l’obtention du permis de conduire.
Par ailleurs, des concertations ont lieu entre la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Croix-Rouge de Belgique – Communauté francophone en vue d’intégrer potentiellement l’enseignement des premiers secours dans les programmes scolaires.
– Country: Belgium
– Type of entity: State
– Has your government drafted, revised or adopted any laws, policies or procedures at the national or subnational level for the management of international disaster assistance? Please select the appropriate box below Law/policy/procedure adopted
– If yes, what type of law/policy/procedure was adopted?
In accordance with the pledge SP320102 adopted by Belgium (“Renforcement des cadres juridiques applicables aux interventions en cas de catastrophes, à la réduction des risques et aux premiers secours”), a working group has been set up. A training module has been established and the training has been provided in 2016. The module is now integrated in the multidisciplinary training courses for the officers in charge of operational command post.
– Law/policy/procedure drafted
– If yes, what type of law/policy/procedure was drafted?
In accordance with the pledge SP320102 adopted by Belgium (“Renforcement des cadres juridiques applicables aux interventions en cas de catastrophes, à la réduction des risques et aux premiers secours”), an operational handbook is currently being finalized.
The procedures for the reception of international rescue teams on the Belgian territory in case of a disaster in Belgium are tested once a year via international exercises in which participate the Belgian authorities at national and local level.
– Has your government used the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction to review or develop domestic legal frameworks at the national, provincial and / or local levels? Please select the appropriate box below
In order to respond to its international commitments from the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030, Belgium has begun to set up, since 2016, a national multi-sectoral platform under the leading of the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs. The forward aim of such platform is to ensure the coordination of the actions of the public and private sectors and to elaborate a national strategy of disaster risk reduction in order to enhance the resilience.
Currently, the platform is composed by federal – including Home Affairs- and federated entities involved by the question of disaster risk reduction, according to theirs competences. The first step is to learn the competences of the participants. Afterwards an action plan will be elaborated for the continuation of the works.
– What activities have your public authorities undertaken in collaboration with your National Society towards achieving the goals related to DRR, community resilience and climate change adaptation as set out in the Sendai Framework for DRR, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and outcomes of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (‘Paris Agreement’)? Please select the appropriate box:
• Mainstream DRR across contexts and sectors
• Engagement and contribution in National/local DRR platforms
• Public awareness and public education
• Assessment of risk and vulnerability
• Disaster response and preparedness (contingency plans, standard operating procedures, pre-disaster meetings, disaster preparedness stocks)
• Promote the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan
• Community early warning systems
Please explain your activities below: All the activities mentioned above were not undertaken in collaboration with the National Society.
As mentioned, Belgium has begun to set up, since 2016, a national multi-sectoral DRR platform but the platform is currently only composed by federal and federated entities and not yet by private sector and ONG. The first step was to learn the competences of the participants in DRR.
Participation of Belgium in several workshops organized at the EU level and related to DRR.
In 2018, participation of Belgium in 2 table top exercises organized via the Benelux and whose aim is to test the cross border cooperation between the 3 Benelux countries in terms of adaptation to climate change, risk reduction, public health and transport.
Belgium has conducted a national risk analysis in 2018. The purpose was to define priorities and to evaluate any risks to which Belgium could be exposed. In partnership with experts, impacts as well as probabilities were evaluated for the considered scenarios.
Belgium is also taking in account likely effects of the climate change in its analysis for the future.
Belgium has several contingency plans and standard operating procedures. The Belgian Red Cross participates in the exercises to test those procedures.
In April 2017, adoption of the Belgian National Adaptation plan (2017-2020) by the National Climate Commission. The national Adaptation Plan identifies specific adaptation measures that need to be taken at national level in order to strengthen cooperation and develop synergies between the different entities on adaptation. The Plan addresses different sectors including crisis management (crisis management is also addressed in the federal and Flemish adaptation plan).
Belgium has developed an early warning system called BE-Alert: channels for notification of the population in the event of a crisis. In this context, first aid free training is organized, in collaboration with the Belgian Red Cross for the people who are registered in BE-Alert.
BE-READY is an educational project developed in collaboration with the Belgian Red Cross, whose aim is to awareness young people to the different kinds of emergencies and to teach them the good reflexes to be adopt in case of floods, industrial incidents, heat wave, …
On June 28th 2018, the Belgian Council of Ministers decided to create an International Crisis Management Cell within the already existing National Crisis Centre. The mission of the International Crisis Management Cell is to coordinate national preparedness-related activities in order to increase our overall national resilience, to effectively and efficiently participate in the management of international crisis, and by doing so fully honor the national engagements taken in a multilateral framework as part of an integrated approach of national security. The International Crisis Management Cell operates as a multidisciplinary hub coordinating and synchronizing a national multi-agency approach in reaction to a wide spectrum of national and international risks and threats, amongst which hybrid threats. This Cell will function as a bi-directional interface between national decision making bodies and international organizations.
– What activities have your public authorities undertaken to strengthen existing legal frameworks related to first aid? This may include promoting the need for regularly updated first aid education in line with existing guidance such as the International Federation’s International First Aid and Resuscitation Guidelines; ensuring equal participation of women, girls, men and boys in first aid training and; mandatory training for school children and teachers and driver’s licence applicants Please explain:
La Croix-Rouge de Belgique a mené des discussions avec le cabinet de la Secrétaire d’Etat chargée de la Sécurité routière en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale qui s’est engagé à rendre obligatoire la formation aux premiers secours dans le cadre du permis de conduire à partir de 2018. Depuis le 1er novembre 2018, tous les candidats au permis de conduire à Bruxelles doivent désormais suivre une formation aux premiers secours. Il y a deux parties : un e-learning ( et une formation pratique de 3h à suivre dans un centre de la Croix-Rouge. Cette formation aux premiers secours intervient après la partie théorique du permis de conduire et avant la partie pratique.
Des concertations se sont aussi poursuivies entre la Croix-Rouge de Belgique – Communauté francophone et les autorités de la Région wallonne afin de rendre obligatoire la formation aux premiers secours dans le cadre de l’obtention du permis de conduire.
Par ailleurs, des concertations ont lieu entre la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Croix-Rouge de Belgique – Communauté francophone en vue d’intégrer potentiellement l’enseignement des premiers secours dans les programmes scolaires.