Joint commitment by the Government of Japan and the Japanese Red Cross Society for Strengthening Dissemination of IHL

A) Objectives of the pledge:

We, the Government of Japan and the Japanese Red Cross Society, express our deep concern about frequent occurrence of alleged violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) in armed conflicts, as reported these years, such as sexual violence and attacks against humanitarian personnel, including medical personnel, and their facilities which are inherently not military targets, in particular   hospitals, and a number of civilian casualties in consequence. We reaffirm that the Resolution 1 of the 33rd International Conference,“Bringing IHL Home: A road map for better national implementation of international humanitarian law” remains fully operative and recognize the urgent need to improve respect for IHL. On that basis, keeping in mind that cyber warfare and use of new weapons equipped with emerging technologies including artificial intelligence (AI) are drastically changing aspects of conflict, we hereby pledge as follows to strengthen dissemination of the importance of IHL in Japan.

B) Action plan:

– Recalling the importance of the faithful implementation of IHL and the needs to further enhance the understanding of IHL, the Government of Japan and the Japanese Red Cross Society will promote public awareness in Japan, by dissemination of IHL including through public education, especially to prevent sexual violence and attacks against humanitarian personnel and their facilities in armed conflicts.


– The Government of Japan and the Japanese Red Cross Society will promote study and dialogue at multiple levels on issues concerning cyber warfare and the use of new weapons equipped with emerging technologies in armed conflicts, through dissemination of IHL and relevant activities of the IHL National Committee.


– The Government of Japan and the Japanese Red Cross Society will be engaged in further disseminating the distinctive emblems provided for in the Geneva Conventions and its Additional Protocols, including the red cross and red crescent emblems and the civil defense emblem.

C) Indicators for measuring progress:

We will measure this by our behavior in dealing with each case.

D) Resource implications:
