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Behavior change campaigns to increase the respect for healthcare by the general population

Actions taken:

Within the framework of its “Health Care in Danger” campaign to address the issue of violence against healthcare in Italy, which is part of the broader RCRC initiative, the Italian RC has carried out the following activities in the reference period with a view of keeping a high focus on the phenomenon of the violence against healthcare personnel and ultimately increasing respect by the general population in their regard:

  • Advocacy activities for the approval of the law 113/2020 on “”Safety Provisions for Health and Social Care Professionals in the Performance of their Functions”, which, among other things, established the National Observatory on the safety of health and social care practitioners” within the Ministry of Health, with a view of monitoring incidents of violence, promoting studies and analysis for the formulation of suitable proposals and measures to reduce risk factors in the most exposed environments as well as promoting the exchange of good practices among relevant actors to address such phenomenon. In 2024, the Italian RC became a member of such National Observatory
  • Since 2019, publication of 5 annual reports on the data of the Observatory on the violence against Italian RC staff and volunteers providing healthcare service, which was established in 2018 to allow Italian RC staff and volunteers to report instances of violence, aggression, threats and/or damage to healthcare vehicles and facilities. The annual report identifies the main trends and situations in which such incidents occur while outlining the mitigation and risk reduction measures undertaken, with a view to consolidating and disseminating good practices and lessons learned. The publication of such reports has often been followed by the organization of launch events and related public communication activities
  • n. 6 specialization trainings carried out for Italian RC IHL volunteers on themes relating to the “Health Care in Danger” campaign
  • Several awareness-raising activities carried out by Italian RC IHL volunteers specialized in Health Care in Danger in several Italian municipalities as well as during Italian RC national events

Implementation completion:
