
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 3: Time to act: Tackling epidemics and pandemics together (33IC/19/R3) – Romania

  1. Has your State/National Society/Institution incorporated the commitments contained in this resolution into the relevant strategic or operational plans?


    The commitments are incorporated into:

    At the National level


    Romania has implemented a wide range of measures in order to consolidate the public health system, which include the modernization of medical infrastructure and the improvement of the response capacity in case of health emergency.
    In 2022, the Romanian authorities approved the National Epidemic Response Concept, which provides defining elements for ensuring continuity of governance, health care, social and economic life, as well as aspects of public communication and coordination of international assistance mechanisms.
    In Romania, strategic stocks of personal protective equipment, medicines and other essential resources have been created, in order to ensure their availability in case of epidemics or pandemics.
    Romania was the first country to develop in 2022 the first medical stockpile within the RescEU, a resource of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, created to intervene in overwhelming situations, where the general capacities existing at national level are not able to ensure an effective response to different types of disasters.
    Romania has also increased its capacity to test and diagnose infectious diseases, including by opening new laboratories and training specialized staff.
    The Romanian authorities have carried out extensive vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 and other diseases, in collaboration with the Romanian Red Cross. They have also organized information and awareness campaigns on the importance of prevention measures.
    The Department for Emergency Situations, in collaboration with UN, UNDRR, has organized, between 23 and 24 February 2023 the event entitled “Understanding and communicating existing and future risks: Ensuring evidence-based communication & preventing mis- and disinformation”.

  2. Has your State/National Society/Institution been working with other partners to implement the commitments contained in this resolution?


    Partner with:
    National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in your country

    Examples of cooperation:

    The Romanian authorities have closely cooperated with the Romanian Red Cross in organizing extensive vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

  3. Have you encountered any challenges in implementing the commitments contained in this resolution?

  4. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the work and direction of your State/National Society/Institution?


    Type of Impact:
    Cooperation between Government/public authorities and National Society has been strengthened
    Programming and operations have become more effective and efficient

    Details about the impact:

    Please see the answers to points 1 and 3.

  5. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the communities that your State/National Society/Institution serves?


    Description of the impact:

    Please see the answer to point 1. The measures stated above reflect Romania’s commitment to effectively responding, in accordance with the resolution adopted at the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, to the challenges brought by epidemics and pandemics.

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