
Report on – 33rd IC Resolution 3: Time to act: Tackling epidemics and pandemics together (33IC/19/R3) – Bulgarian Red Cross

  1. Has your State/National Society/Institution incorporated the commitments contained in this resolution into the relevant strategic or operational plans?


    The commitments are incorporated into:
    Operational plan

    At the National, Local level


    Until COVID-19 pandemics broke out, the role of the Bulgarian Red Cross in regards to the management of health hazards, such as spread of communicable diseases was mainly in prevention and public messaging. The NS didn’t have the technical expertise, equipment, safety procedures and insurances for the operation of its staff and volunteers in such a risky environment.
    COVID-19 caused stress on the health system which triggered mobilization at all levels – citizens, communities, government and local authorities, NGOs and ultimately – the Bulgarian Red Cross. In order to respond efficiently and safely, the Bulgarian RC analyzed the risks and produced specific internal regulations on safety in Covid, adopted new methods for work from distance for its employees and volunteers, and introduced new services for people in need, via phone (hotline services), internet (online chat on the organization’s webpage),dispatcher PSS center and others.
    Alongside, the Bulgarian Red Cross intensified its communication and it was directly involved in the coordination mechanism – the government-appointed crisis HQ, while coordinating its activities with ministries (Social, Ministry of Health) and local services – social care facilities, hospitals, as well as municipal authorities.

  2. Has your State/National Society/Institution been working with other partners to implement the commitments contained in this resolution?


    Partner with:
    Government and/or public authorities

    Examples of cooperation:

    The Bulgarian Red Cross had a major role in receiving protective equipment, hygiene materials, disinfectants and other materials from domestic and international donors, including donations to the Bulgarian government and their distribution service providers, in close coordination with the government crisis HQ. In the second phase after development of vaccine, the NS had another important role in promoting vaccinations, it organized mobile vaccination units together with the health authorities and its Director General was appointed by the Council of Ministers as Chair of the state coordination body for vaccination.
    Other partnerships included international support for Covid-19 response of the Bulgarian Red Cross from the USAID, and in cooperation with the IFRC, focusing on protection and prevention, and raising awareness about vaccination, including among marginalised groups (Roma communities). A partnership was established with another NGO specialized in family planning and health, together with their health mediators already working in isolated Roma communities.

  3. Have you encountered any challenges in implementing the commitments contained in this resolution?


    With challenges on:
    Human resources
    Lack of specific knowledge/expertise
    Lack of capacity and/or support (technical, financial, or other)

    Details about challenges:

    As mentioned before, prior to Covid-19, the Bulgarian Red Cross did not have specific mandate, expertise and capacities to work in risky pandemic environment. But during Covid-19, the organization managed to protect the volunteers and staff, developed new and more flexible services and improved its technical preparedness for work from distance.

  4. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the work and direction of your State/National Society/Institution?


    Type of Impact:
    Cooperation between Government/public authorities and National Society has been strengthened
    Innovative tools/methodologies have been developed and are utilized
    Increase in mobilization of resources

    Details about the impact:

    The commitments in the resolution are confirmation of the commitments of the Bulgarian Red Cross already in place. The practical work and impact of the National Society during a real deep health crisis such as Covid-19 improved the trust from the society towards the NS as well as recognition of its role and capacities by the government. The participation in the government’s coordination mechanisms continued in the future in other types of emergency and the Bulgarian Red Cross has always proven itself as reliable partner with capacities to complement and assist both affected people as well as the state services and institutions in times of a crisis.

  5. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the communities that your State/National Society/Institution serves?


    Description of the impact:

    New types of activities developed to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and most excluded people.
    More adequate and trusted messaging in place aiming at improved health prevention and reduction of fear, stigma and disinformation.

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