
Report on pledge – Support for Amsterdam Declaration Mind the Mind now

Actions taken:

The Netherlands has undertaken a vast variety of initiatives to promote and facilitate integration of MHPSS in crisis response – please refer to the report on action towards the implementation of Resolution 33IC/19/R2. The Netherlands has preferred to focus efforts on getting MHPSS anchored in global (and other) constituting documents, such as UN-resolutions on coordination of humanitarian efforts, instead of on further increasing the number of endorsements for the Amsterdam Declaration. Several humanitarian and crisis-response resolutions and documents contain the core elements that are also elaborated in the Amsterdam Declaration. The latest example of this is the World Health Assembly Resolution A77/A/CONF./11 ( on Strengthening mental health and psychosocial support before, during and after armed conflicts, natural and human-caused disasters, and health and other emergencies, which was adopted on May 29th 2024 and which was initiated by Ukraine and the Netherlands.

Implementation completion:

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