
Report on – 33IC Resolución 2: Atención a las necesidades psicosociales y de salud mental de las personas afectadas por conflictos armados, catástrofes naturales y otras emergencias – Ecuadorian Red Cross

  1. Has your State/National Society/Institution incorporated the commitments contained in this resolution into the relevant strategic or operational plans?


    The commitments are incorporated into:
    Operational plan

    At the National, Local level


    The Strategic Plan of the National Society of the Ecuadorian Red Cross 2021 – 2025.- aims to promote the construction of resilient communities to alleviate and prevent human suffering; strengthen people’s capacities to anticipate crises, overcome them and recover, in addition, promote spaces of empowerment for the enjoyment of healthy, safe and dignified living conditions.
    Organizational structure.- In the Ecuadorian Red Cross, the Health and Community Development Program has three components: Health Care, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention that includes Nutrition, WASH, Community-Based Surveillance and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (SMAPS), there is an institutional strategy to strengthen the structure at the level of the Provincial Boards and Cantonal Boards at the national level, SMAPS has a basic, intermediate and advanced training network that allows the strengthening of the capacities of its humanitarian personnel, In addition, during 2021-2024, volunteer staff in the territorial network have been trained in Psychological First Aid, Care and Self-Care for Responders. SMAPS is activated in different emergencies and/or projects with attention to the community and volunteers.
    National: the Ecuadorian Red Cross in its auxiliary role of the public powers of the State in the humanitarian field, works jointly with the Ministry of Public Health; At SMAPS he was part of the team that approved the Ten-Year Health Plan 2022-2031 that includes actions in Mental Health, he is currently part of the writing team of the Manual for addressing suicide attempts for first responders and first response teams. In addition, all National Society emergency activities have incorporated a focus and response on SMAPS, with recovery activities focusing on the provision of basic SMAPS services, family and community support and referral as appropriate.
    The strategy of the Health and Community Development Program of the Ecuadorian Red Cross in the line of SMAPS that includes (Psychological First Aid, Care and Self-Care for the Responder, Support Groups) has to act at the national level at the local level and with the communities, The proposal is to generate in the future a national public health team in emergencies that includes Mental Health.

  2. Has your State/National Society/Institution been working with other partners to implement the commitments contained in this resolution?


    Partner with:
    National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in your country
    Government and/or public authorities
    Other National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies
    Humanitarian and development partners (e.g. UN, NGOs etc.)

    Examples of cooperation:

    The National Society of the Ecuadorian Red Cross has developed joint work with the Ministry of Public Health for the development of strategies in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, at the moment it is part of the writing team of the Manual of the First Responder in Suicides, the work jointly with the IFRC in updating the training programs on SMAPS and Care and Self-Care for Responders. There has been talk with PAHO-WHO to develop the community-MHGAP in the territorial network

  3. Have you encountered any challenges in implementing the commitments contained in this resolution?


    With challenges on:
    Human resources
    Lack of capacity and/or support (technical, financial, or other)

    Details about challenges:

    There is little human resource specialized in Mental Health issues and Psychosocial Support in emergencies and at the community level, the lack of technical and financial support in Mental Health issues were the difficulties most encountered. In Ecuador, 50% of the problems are associated with depression and anxiety, especially in the economically active population. Since 2024 with the approval of the Organic Law on Mental Health, the country has legal protection for comprehensive care, promoting the physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional and relational well-being of all people in all areas.

  4. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the work and direction of your State/National Society/Institution?


    Type of Impact:
    Cooperation between Government/public authorities and National Society has been strengthened
    Programming and operations have become more effective and efficient
    Innovative tools/methodologies have been developed and are utilized
    Partnerships with other humanitarian actors have been created or enhanced
    Increase in mobilization of resources
    Training and capacity of staff and volunteers has increased (for National Societies)

    Details about the impact:

    The commitments described in the resolution have allowed early and continuous access to mental health services and psychosocial support by people affected in different emergencies, disasters or security crises. In particular, the inclusion of SMAPS in all activities identifies the prioritization of this line of action in the National Society. Training initiatives in Basic Psychological First Aid (PAP), Care and Self-Care for Responders, and Support Groups with humanitarian personnel have strengthened the capacity of the Ecuadorian Red Cross at the national level. The incorporation of educommunicational material with topics related to the promotion, prevention and comprehensive care in Mental Health that is articulated with the provisions of the Organic Law of Mental Health in force in Ecuador since January 2024, allows the Ecuadorian Red Cross to work throughout the territory as established by the Strategic Plan 2021-2025

  5. Have the commitments contained in this resolution had an impact on the communities that your State/National Society/Institution serves?

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