
Report on Pledge: Health Care in Danger – Norway

Actions taken:

Norway has supported the Health Care in Danger initiative (HCID) since the start and has developed a strong partnership with Norcross and ICRC. This work has involved practical measures, dialogue with parties to conflict and international cooperation.

Norway works along several different tracks and with a range of partners, in addition to the Movement, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), professional health organisations, and other countries. Norway has also co-sponsored a resolution in the Security Council resolution 2286 (2016) that strongly condemns attacks on medical facilities and personnel and urges states to ensure respect for their relevant international legal obligations. Norway is also a member of the informal group for follow-up of this resolution, focusing in particular on documentation.

Protection of health care is a priority in the Norwegian Humanitarian Strategy 2019-2023. It is also part of a complementary approach of humanitarian action and development to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 16.

Implementation completion:

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