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One Billion Coalition: Building community resilience and contributing to sustainable development

Actions taken:

Since 2017, the JRCS started nationwide Red Cross Disaster Risk Reduction Seminars for local communities.

In 2017:581 seminars, 28,255 attendants

In 2018:472 seminars, 27,532 attendants

Held Training Course for Disaster Risk Reduction Education Leader every year, to foster leaders (staff and volunteer)

leader: total 501(271 staffs, 230 volunteers)※As of September 30, 2019

Updated “Red Cross Disaster Risk Reduction Leadership Manual” for leaders every year. (the 3rd edition at present)
Printed and distributed 5,000 booklets “Prepare for Disaster” for general distribution
Participated “Disaster Risk Reduction Promotion National Assembly” continuously from the first meeting in 2016, which was the largest domestic event hosted by the Disaster Risk Reduction Promotion Council chaired by the president of Japanese Red Cross Society, the Disaster Risk Reduction Promotion National Assembly and the Cabinet Office, to increase awareness by the public. A workshop with an exhibit at the 4th Assembly in Nagoya in October is planned this year as well.
Not only in Japan but also to Timor-Leste Red Cross and Lao Red Cross, activities to disseminate First Aid and to give technical assistance were implemented.
In cooperation with schools and principle companies, training sessions have been held locally by the Japanese Red Cross Society.

In 2017:22,259 sessions, 788,749 attendants

In 2018:22,041 sessions, 772,421 attendants

(First Aid, Water Safety, Snow Safety, Infant Safety, Healthy Life Support)

As a challenge to “super-aging society” with fewer children, the JRCS utilized the “Healthy Life Support Seminar” which educated knowledge about promoting good health essential to spend a healthy life in the elderly and nursing skills to make elderly people self-organized and contributed to building a community using the local network. Furthermore, the JRCS shared information about our activities and know-how to IFRC and Red Cross Society of China.

Focusing on Asia/Africa regions, the JRCS provided indirect support for National Societies to increase resilience by preparing for disasters or by preventing diseases.

Countries supported: (bilateral support) Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Rwanda

(IFRC annual appeal) South Africa, East Africa, Oceania, Mongol, Afghanistan

At the East Asia Region Red Cross Executive Meeting, the JRCS resolved objectively to promote “Cooperation among 1 billion people for Resilience” which dealt with 3 major challenges in the region of 1 cooperation at wide-scale disasters, 2 participation by youth members and 3 first-aid seminars and competition.

Implementation completion:
