The Movement strides towards a new resolution on IHL and weapons

July 2024

In a world where new means and methods of warfare are rapidly developing and conflicts are increasing in urban areas, urgent action must be taken to tackle the challenges posed by both conventional and emerging weapons, and to strengthen disarmament and arms-control structures. In this context, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement will be presenting a draft resolution on weapons and international humanitarian law (IHL) at the 2024 Council of Delegates. The resolution underscores urgent action across seven critical weapon categories and encourages the ongoing research on the digital emblem. The resolution calls for renewed commitments from all components of the Movement to confront pressing concerns regarding weapon development and use and advance humanitarian disarmament on a global level.

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Reaffirming the Role of the Movement as a Factor of Peace

June 2024

With global tensions, conflicts and crises exacerbating human suffering, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement sees a crucial need for renewed commitment by all to fostering peace. It is therefore reflecting anew on the long-debated connection between humanitarian action and peacebuilding, with a focus on how its own humanitarian initiatives may contribute. This blog discusses the proposed 2024 Council of Delegates resolution that aims to reaffirm the Movement’s commitment to peace, drawing on a century-long history of resolutions and initiatives. It acknowledges the necessity of united action while emphasizing the complementary roles each Movement component plays – from fostering youth engagement, volunteerism and education to promoting humanitarian principles and respect for international humanitarian law (IHL) – and aiming to improve understanding and evaluation of the impacts of such efforts.

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The first-ever Movement Migration Strategy

April 2024

Migrants are facing many challenges in the current climate of securitization, restrictive migration policies and discrimination. With little access to safe options, many migrants are exposed to risk and harm in different situations – including along dangerous migration routes on land and at sea, at borders, in transit and destination countries, in camps, in detention and, in some cases, upon their return. In this context, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement needs to adopt a strong, coordinated and coherent position for action on migration. With a view to responding effectively and flexibly to the needs of migrants and the challenges they face, the Movement is set to adopt its first-ever Migration Strategy at the next Council of Delegates in October 2024.

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The human toll of war in cities

October 2023

The scale of the devastation and suffering caused by urban warfare – and being witnessed by staff and volunteers at the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – is a source of growing alarm at the Movement. With a view to providing more effective protection for civilians in the testing circumstances of urban warfare, the Movement urges states to commit themselves, at the 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, to undertaking concrete actions, at national and international levels, to respond to and mitigate the humanitarian consequences of warfare in cities.

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Building momentum to eliminate nuclear weapons

June 2023

Since 1945, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has been working to achieve the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. Although the risk of use of such weapons is growing at an alarming rate, the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in 2021 has created new opportunities for progress towards their elimination. The 2022–2027 Action Plan on the Non-Use, Prohibition and Elimination of Nuclear Weapons provides National Societies with a strategy and innovative tools to address risks and create momentum towards the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

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Safeguarding Humanitarian Data and Protecting Humanitarian Organizations from Digital Threats

June 2023

Marked by the unprecedented breach of personal data entrusted to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (National Societies) in early 2022, in June that same year the Council of Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement adopted a resolution on safeguarding humanitarian data. In this post, we present some of the data protection training carried out within the Movement in relation to the resolution, how the ICRC has raised the issue at the United Nations, and a few innovative projects we are pursuing to strengthen cyber security and data protection in the Movement.

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The Climate and Environment Charter two years on: Progress and challenges

May 2023

Since it was launched in May 2021, support for the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations has grown and gathered momentum. Hundreds of humanitarian organizations have signed the charter, it has been endorsed by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and states have pledged their support.
In the light of the increasingly visible and widespread impacts of climate change, the charter aims to steer the humanitarian sector towards collective action and raise awareness of how much still remains to be done.

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Progress update on the Women and Leadership Resolution

May 2023

This blog post provides a progress update on Resolution 5 – Women and Leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, focusing specifically on the Progress Report on the Women and Leadership Resolution published in March 2022. The text examines both the progress made by Movement components and obstacles to their efforts, with a specific focus on the concept of intersectionality as it applies to the implementation of the resolution.

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A New Award: The Movement Family Links Medal

May 2023

At the Council of Delegates in June 2022, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement adopted a resolution to establish the Movement Family Links Medal, to pay tribute to and recognize outstanding work by individuals or groups – primarily Movement staff and volunteers – to help separated families and the relatives of people who have gone missing in situations of armed conflict or other violence, disasters or other situations requiring a humanitarian response, including in the context of migration.
The medal will be awarded to a maximum of five recipients every two years, during the Council of Delegates.

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Strengthening anticipatory action within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: Progress to date and plans for future action

April 2023

This blog post provides the background to and rationale for the adoption of the 2022 Council of Delegates resolution “Strengthening anticipatory action in the Movement: Our way forward”. It outlines the potential of anticipatory action, highlights achievements and draws attention to gaps that the resolution seeks to address. The blog post ends with a brief report on progress made since the resolution was adopted in June 2022.

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